Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Is Worth Getting Excited For

With every glimpse into the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, there's a collective thrum of anticipation for what's to come. Could this finally be a female superhero movie that could supersede that classification? Could it just be a great superhero movie, or better yet, could it just be a great movie? I think it will be.
And here's why:
Timely and Timeless Character Design
Zack Snyder's unique vision for the DCEU has included incredible character designs for our favourite heroes. He's succeeded in making them stand above the world around them, Gods among men, and Wonder Woman more so than others.
Her first-ever character poster was met with some scepticism due to the dull tones and monochromatic color-correction. But once we saw it in action in Batman v Superman, all doubts were tabled. Even though her armour was a lot more muted in comparison to the comics, it made sense for the narrative context in terms of it being centuries old. When the posters for the Wonder Woman movie were released, we got an even better look at that iconic costume in it's true glory.

They embraced the vibrant hues, and showed off the deep reds and blues that harken back to her original comic look, without being gaudy or overdone. The overall design of her costume is based around greek armour, and expertly walks that fine-line between femininity and ferocity. And while it is a substantially revealing outfit as a whole, somehow she doesn't look overly-sexualized as she has often been in the comics.
Giving us a version of Wonder Woman that stays true to her comic roots, while updating her for our time, and still keeps her looking timeless, is a feat to be applauded. Wonder Woman's character design could have easily veered into gratuitous or silly territory, but it ends up being undoubtedly powerful and undoubtedly beautiful.
Gal Gadot

When Gal Gadot was cast as the world's most famous female superhero, the internet had a collective meltdown. One criticism was due to her being too much of a new-comer to carry such a weighty role. But annoyingly, the loudest criticism was around her physical appearance. Fans argued that she wasn't, as she so sweetly put it, "big-hearted" enough for the role of Wonder Woman, who was generally portrayed as a buxom female with her costume barely managing to contain her curves. Those arguments have all since been quelled, after Gal managed to steal the show from two of the greatest superheroes in history in their own movie no less, even with very little screen-time.
Her embodiment of the character both on and off screen has been apparent. She exudes charisma and sophistication, and yet she's not afraid to be goofy and there's just something so entirely relatable about her. More than anything, she's proved that regardless of your physicality or others' expectations of you, how you carry yourself as an individual will be what matters in the end. She's brought a whole new dimension to a 75 year-old character, and for that, Gal, we salute you!
Patty Jenkins

Having a female director be at the helm of the first live-action Wonder Woman movie is an important place to start. To have a director with the talent and gravitas that Patty Jenkins brings to the table, is an even bigger asset to the movie. Not only is she an award-winning film-maker, but hearing her talk about the project with such affection and warmth, makes it evident that she is as ardent a fan as any. A perfect blend of talent and passion is exactly what this movie needs to go beyond being good, and be great.

Wonder. Power. Courage.
The future of justice begins with her
Power. Grace. Wisdom. Wonder.
The movie's taglines reveal the over-arcing themes of this character; someone who is undeniably powerful, and someone who cares deeply about making a difference that matters. Wonder Woman brings a unique perspective of Justice and Wisdom that juxtaposes mankind's incessant obsession with needless violence. She vows to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. She may not be the hero we deserve, but she's the hero we need.
Chris Pine and supporting cast
Chris Pine plays the role of Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman's love interest in the film. Just for starters, having him in the film at all is a big plus, since he's super talented and irresistibly likeable in all of his movies. Add on to that the chemistry between him and Gal, along with his witty quips, and Chris will no doubt be the comic highlight of the movie. Throw in names like Robin Wright, David Thewlis, Danny Huston, Lucy Davis and Connie Nielson, and it's plain to see that Wonder Woman has a cast that's oozing with talent.

Setting of the movie
As promotional material has revealed thus far, the movie will visit various settings, from the breath-taking paradise isle of Thymescira, to the muddy trenches of World War 1. It introduces Diana to a world where women weren't particularly deemed on par with men in their society. Her unique worldview contrasting with the ideas of that era, will certainly prove to be comical as well as thought-provoking. And beyond that, this movie just looks amazing.

And if you're still not convinced why this movie will kick-ass, just watch all these amazing trailers: